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發布時間: 2024-10-05 03:02:27

❶ 1aa是什麼成語是什麼意思

Ⅰ 想要一個情侶名:要求:AAXCC的成語、 AA是男名或女名、CC是女名或男名、X是動詞、比如:煙雨鎖重樓、



Ⅱ 「AA地」式詞語有哪些

1.輕輕地qīng qīng dì: 指 動作溫柔的。

2.狠狠地 hěn hěn dì :指表情很兇。

3.憤憤地fè內n fèn dì :指生氣的容。

4.冉冉地rǎn rǎn dì :指慢慢的。

5.默默地mò mò dì :指不出聲。

Ⅲ 英語aa到zz的關聯詞如aa apple

英語關聯詞 —並列連詞 1
並列連詞 在句子中不做成分,僅表示前後關系.
1)連接語詞:slow but safe/ either this
week or next week
2)連接分句:I went and she also.
1)轉折:but, yet, however, neverthe-
2) 因果:so, for, therefore
3) 選擇:or, either…or, neither…nor
英語關聯詞 —並列連接詞 2
4)並列和遞進:and,both…and, as well as
not only…but (also)
英語關聯詞 —關聯詞
關聯詞 用於引導從句.
1.名詞從句: He doesn't know what she is.
2.副詞從句:If he es, I'll give it
to you.
3.形容詞從句:He's the best student I've
ever taught.
英語關聯詞 —連接詞 1
關聯詞的類別及所表示的關系 要特別注意關聯詞在從句中(及某些連接詞在短語中)所擔當的成分,這是正確使用關連詞的關鍵.
1) that(無含義):
I said that he was wrong.
2) whether(if)(表示不確定性或選擇關系):
I don't know whether it is correct.
英語關聯詞 —連接詞 2

A. who/which 作主語(口語who中可做賓語,
I asked him who came into the
room./ I asked him who(m) he saw
whom/which 做賓語:
Ask him which he wants.
英語關聯詞 —關聯詞 3
C. whose 做賓語(=whose thing(s)) /定
I wonder whose house that is.
D. what 做上面提及的各種成分:
I don't know what I should do.
What can be done
We can't decide whom to invite.
We must decide what to do.
I couldn't decide which to choose.
英語關聯詞 —關聯詞 4
3.連接副詞 引導名詞從句或與不定式連用,在從句
1) how: That's how I look at it.
2) where: I don't know where he lives.
3) when: Tell me when to use the tool.
4) why: I'll tell you why you have to
do it.
英語關聯詞 —關系詞 1
1) who 表示人,在從句中做主語和表語(口語
The man who spoke is my teacher.
I don't know who he is.
The man who I saw told me that.
2) whom 表示人,在從句中做賓語和表語:
The man whom I saw told me that.
英語關聯詞 —關系詞 2
3) whose 表示"某人/物的",of which表示
"某物的", 在從句中做定語:
That's the man whose son is my
The room whose window faces south
is her bedroom.
The room of which the window faces
south is her bedroom.
英語關聯詞 —關系詞 3
4) which 表示物,在從句中做主語和表語:
I like the picture which was taken
in front of the main building.
5) that 表示人/物,在從句中做主語和賓語; 注
This is the best film that I've
ever seen.
英語關聯詞 —關系詞 4
the first, the last, the only, the
same, the very, all, any, no,
This is the last chance that you
You are the only friend that I
He told me all that he knew.
英語關聯詞 —關系詞 5
C. 先行詞是下列不定代詞或為其所修飾修飾時:
much, little, none, everything/body,
nothing, nobody.
There's nothing in the world that
can frighten him.
D. 以Who/Which開始的句子,其後的定語從句中
Who that knows him would trust him
Which of these buses is the one
that goes to London
英語關聯詞 —關系詞 6
The man and the horse that fell
into the river were drowned.
6) 關系代詞做介詞賓語.
Is this the car for which you
paid a high price
英語關聯詞 —關系詞 7
Is this the car which you paid
a high price for
Is this the car that you paid a
high price for
Is this the car you paid a high
price for
B.介詞ring, except以及表示(從整體中)
英語關聯詞 —關系詞 8
The years ring which he was away
were long years to her.
He wrote many books, some of which
This is the book which he has been
looking for.
The girl I work with is ing.
英語關聯詞 —關系詞 9
He is not the man that he was
when I saw him first.
He is not the man he was when I
saw him first.
5.關系副詞 在定語從句中均做狀語.
1)where 地點:
That's one point where I'd like
your advice.
英語關聯詞 —關系詞 10
2) when 時間:
At the time when I saw him, he was
3) why 原因:
That is the reason why I came so
4) that 方式/時間/原因
I like the way that /in which he
did it.
英語關聯詞 —關系詞 11
That was the first time (that) I saw
The reason why/that he was di *** issed
is not easy to explain.
5)in which/at which = where
This is the school in which/at which/
where he works.
6)for which = why
I don't the reason for which he left.
英語關聯詞 —關系詞 12
7)on which = when
The day on which she was born was 22
September, 1988.
英語介詞和關聯詞 —試題與思路
1.The doctor will be free ___.
A.in ten minutes B.10 minutes later
C.after 10 minutes D.10 minutes after
2.___ all the students, whom do you regard most highly
A.Of B.About C.From D.In
選A.由most highly可知句首的短語是表示比較范圍的狀語.當給出所比較的人,事物所在的范圍時,用in;給出所比較的人,事物的名稱時用of.
英語介詞和關聯詞 —試題與思路
3.He was praised ___ his sense of ty.
A.about B.by C.for D.of
4.The key ___ success is hard work.
A.on B.to C.in D.for
5.Alice has a large collection of photos, ___ was taken in London.
A.none of them B.no one of which
C.all of which D.none of which
英語介詞和關聯詞 —試題與思路
選D.逗號後是一個定語從句,要有關系詞來引導,可知A不可;從從句的單數動詞was可知C不可;從no one 是表示人而且不可同of短語連用,可知其不可.
6.You are saying that everyone should be equal, and this is___ I disagree.
A.why B.where C.what D.how
7.Mary can't be admitted to a universi-ty next fall __ she can afford her further ecation.

英語介詞和關聯詞 —試題與思路
A.unless B.for C.as D.if
8.__ encourages us greatly is ___ China has achieved great success in the Olympic Games.
A.What; what B.That; that
C.What; that D.That; what

Ⅳ aa形式的成語

詞彙 TLPA 詞性華語意義 重疊形式
哀哀 ai1ai1 adj. 痛苦狀. AA
慢慢 ban7ban7 adj. 慢慢的. AA
微微 bi5bi5 adj. 微微的;比喻輕柔細小. AA
悶悶 bun7bun7 adj. 心情郁悶. AA
早早 ca2ca2 adj. 早早. AA
蒼蒼 chang1chang1 adj. 生氣蓬勃的樣子. AA
赤赤 chiah4chiah4 adj. 紅紅的,此指黃金的顏色. AA
纖纖 chiam1chiam1 adj. 纖細貌. AA
處處 chir3chir3 adj. 處處;每個地方. AA
真真 cin1cin1 adj. 形容眼睛視力好. AA
個個 goo3goo3 n. 指每個人或很多人. AA
好好 ho2ho2 adv. 好好的. AA
紛紛 hun1hun1 adj. 連綿不絕的樣子. AA
懨懨 iam2iam2 adj. 郁悶提不起勁的樣子. AA
圓圓 inn5inn5 adj. 圓圓的. AA
一一 it4it4 num.逐一的. AA
憂憂 iu1iu1 adj. 心情郁悶. AA
輕輕 khin1khin1 adj. 輕輕的. AA
驚驚 kiann1kiann1 adj. 驚嚇.害怕 AA
緊緊 kin2kin2 adj. 快的. AA
乖乖 kuai1kuai1 adj. 哄人聽話的言語.(*) AA
眷眷 kuan3kuan3 n. 念念不忘.(※) AA
人人 lang5lang5 n. 指每個人或很多人. AA
朗朗 long2long2 adj. 指月光明亮的樣子. AA
白白 peh8peh8 adj. 白白的,此指銀子的顏色. AA
炮炮 phau1phau1 adj. 指月光明亮的樣子. AA
平平 pinn5pinn5 adj. 一樣的. AA
步步 poo7poo7 n. 指每一步. AA
雙雙 sang1sang1 adj. 比喻兩兩成對. AA
聲聲 siann1siann1 n. 一聲接著一聲. AA
燒燒 sio1sio1 adj. 熱熱的. AA
惜惜 sioh4sioh4 v. 疼惜貌. AA
乾乾 ta1ta1 adj. 乾乾的. AA
重重 tang7tang7 adj. 重重的. AA
痛痛 thiann3thiann3 adj. 痛. AA
詞彙 TLPA 詞性華語意義 重疊形式
微微輕 bi5bi5khin1 adj. 輕輕的. AAB
笑微微 chio3bi5bi5 adj. 笑容可掬的樣子. ABB
光光降 kng1kng1kang3 adj. 形容月光明亮的樣子. AAB
冷微微 ling2bi5bi5 adj. 冷冷的. ABB
淚哀哀 lui7ai1ai1 adj. 眼淚四淋漓的樣子. ABB
鬧咳咳 nau7hai1hai1 adj. 比喻很熱鬧的樣子. ABB
富富富 pu3pu3pu3 adj. 形容非常富有. AAA
點光光 tiam2kng1kng1 adj. 比喻燈火通明的樣子. ABB
詞彙 TLPA 詞性 華語意義 重疊形式
哀哀哭哭 ai1ai1khau3khau3 v. 哭哭啼啼. AABB
卜斬卜砍 berh4cam2berh4cho3 v. 要殺要剮.(*) ABAC
七早八早 chih4ca2pueh8ca2 adj. 指一大早. ABCB
青青狂狂 chinn1chinn1kong5kong5adj. 慌慌張張的樣子. AABB
青青冷冷 chinn1chinn1ling2ling2 adj. 冷冷清清. AABB
成雙成對 ciann5sang1ciann5tui3 n. 雙雙對對 ABAC
前前後後 cing5cing5au7au7 adj. 前後(加強語氣). AABB
前生前世 cing5sinn1cing5si3 n. 前輩子. ABAC
執執力力 cip4cip4liah8liah8 v. 拉拉扯扯的樣子. AABB
自作自當 cir7coh4cir7tng1 v. 自己做的事自己承擔. ABAC
一年一歲 cit4ni5cit4her3 n. 一年長一歲. ABAC
一年一度 cit4ni5cit4too7 n. 一年一次. ABAC
拙東拙西 cuah4tang1cuah4sai1 adj. 在人海中飄盪無所依靠. ABAC
好日好子 ho2lit8ho2ci2 n. 好日子. ABAC
好事好志 ho2tai7ho2ci3 n. 好事志. ABAC
好頭好面 ho2thau5ho2bin7 n. 好長相,好儀表.(*) ABAC
- 54 -
詞彙 TLPA 詞性 華語意義 重疊形式
慌慌(荒)忙忙 hong7hong7bong5bong5 adj. 慌慌張張的樣子. AABB
花喙(口)花舌 hue1chui3hue1cih8 n. 花言巧語. ABAC
憂憂悶悶 iu1iu1bun7bun7 adj. 心情郁悶. AABB
同床同枕 kang5chng5kang5cim2 n. 同床共枕. ABAC
緊去緊來 kin2khir3kin2lai5 adj. 快去快回. ABAC
管海食海 kuan2hai2ciah8hai2 v. 居住在海邊便依海謀生. ABCB
管山食山 kuan2suann1ciah8suann1v. 居住在山裡便依山謀生. ABCB
來來去去 lai5lai5khir3khir3 v. 來來往往. AABB
喃喃攻攻57 lam5lam5 adj. 形容衣衫襤褸. AABB
爛爛成屎 luan7luan7ciann5sai2 n. 煮得熟爛. AABC
滿街滿巷 mua2kue1mua2hang7 n. 充滿(洋溢於)大街小巷. ABAC
惡言惡語 ok4gian5ok4gir2 n. 不好的言語. ABAC
打簡打兒 phah4kan2phah4li5 v. 打罵奴婢. ABAC
悲悲慘慘 pi1pi1cham2cham2 adj. 悲慘. AABB
步步相 poo7poo7sann1chau7 v. 行影相隨,永不離分. AABC
雙雙二好 sang1sang1lng7ho2 adj. 雙雙對對;成雙成對. AABB
雙雙對對 sang1sang1tui3tui3 n. 成雙成對. AABB
送來送去 sang3lai5sang3khir3 v. 送過來又送過去. ABAC
相叫相 sann1kio3sann1chua7 v. 夫唱婦隨,互相扶持. ABAC
相扶相挨 sann1phoo5san1e1 v. 形容人多,人潮擁擠. ABAC
相挨相捒 sann1ue1san1sak4 v. 形容人多,人潮擁擠. ABAC
謝天謝地 sia7tinn1sia7te7 n. 感謝天地神只保佑. ABAC
聲聲句句 siann1siann1ku3ku3 n. 口口聲聲. AABB
想來想去 siunn7lai5siunn7khir3 v. 思前想後. ABAC
前後 tann3cing5tann3au7 v. 站在那兒不進不出.(*) ABAC
顛顛狂狂 tian1tian1kong5kong5 adj. 瘋瘋癲癲的樣子. AABB
tin1tin1tang1tang1 onom.
堂堂相貌 tong5tong5siong3bau7 n. 儀表堂堂,相貌出眾. AABC
閑來閑去 uinn5lai5uinn5khir3 v. 走來走去. ABAC

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