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❶ 中華人民共和國印花稅暫行條例的暫行條例

附件:印花稅稅目稅率表 稅目 范圍 稅率 納稅義務人 說明 1 購銷合同包括供應、預購、采購、購銷結合及協作、調劑、補償、易貨等合同按購銷金額萬分之三貼花立合同人2 加工承攬合同包括加工、定作、修繕、修理、印刷、廣告、測繪、測試等合同按加工或承攬收入萬分之五貼花立合同人3 建設工程勘察設計合同包括勘察、設計合同按收取費用萬分之五貼花立合同人4 建築安裝工程承包合同包括建築、安裝工程承包合同按承包金額萬分之三貼花立合同人5 財產租賃合同包括租賃房屋、船舶、飛機、機動車輛、機械、器具、設備等合同按租賃金額千分之一貼花。稅額不足1元的按1元貼花立合同人6 貨物運輸合同包括民用航空、鐵路運輸、海上運輸、內河運輸、公路運輸和聯運合同按運輸費用萬分之五貼花立合同人單據作為合同使用的,按合同貼花7 倉儲保管合同包括倉儲、保管合同按倉儲保管費用千分之一貼花立合同人倉單或棧單作為合同使用的,按合同貼花8 借款合同銀行及其他金融組織和借款人(不包括銀行同業拆借)所簽訂的借款合同按借款金額萬分之零點五貼花立合同人單據作為合同使用的,按合同貼花9 財產保險合同包括財產、責任、保證、信用等保險合同按投保金額萬分之零點三貼花立合同人單據作為合同使用的,按合同貼花10 技術合同包括技術開發、轉讓、咨詢、服務等合同按所載金額萬分之三貼花立合同人11 產權轉移書據包括財產所有權和版權、商標專用權、專利權、專有技術使用權等轉移書據按所載金額萬分之五貼花立據人12 營業賬簿生產經營用賬冊記載資金的賬簿,按固定資產原值與自有流動資金總額萬分之五貼花。其他賬簿按件貼花5元立賬簿人13 權利、許可證照包括政府部門發給的房屋產權證、工商營業執照、商標注冊證、專利證、土地使用證按件貼花5元領受人

❷ 現行印花稅的官方政策是否是1988年10月1日起施行的《中華人民共和國印花稅暫行條例》


❸ 印花稅的徵收標准





















❹ 什麼是印花稅,房產繼承徵收印花稅的法律依據是什麼

因此,繼承房屋合同的屬於第二項的 產權轉移書據。根據印花稅稅目稅率表,產權轉移書據按所載金額萬分之五貼花。

❺ 印花稅最新規定


領受下列憑證的單位和個人,都是印花稅的納稅義務人,應當按照規定繳納印花稅 :

❻ 印花稅實施條例細則及稅率

全文有效    成文日期:1988-8-6
    第一條 在中華人民共和國境內書立、領受本條例所列舉憑證的單位和個人,都是印花稅的納稅義務人(以下簡稱納稅人),應當按照本條例規定繳納印花稅。
    第二條 下列憑證為應納稅憑證:
    第三條 納稅人根據應納稅憑證的性質,分別按比例稅率或者按件定額計算應納稅額。具體稅率、稅額的確定,依照本條例所附《印花稅稅目稅率表》執行。
    第四條 下列憑證免納印花稅:
    第五條 印花稅實行由納稅人根據規定自行計算應納稅額,購買並一次貼足印花稅票(以下簡稱貼花)的繳納辦法。
    第六條 印花稅票應當粘貼在應納稅憑證上,並由納稅人在每枚稅票的騎縫處蓋戳注銷或者畫銷。
    第七條 應納稅憑證應當於書立或者領受時貼花。
    第八條 同一憑證,由兩方或者兩方以上當事人簽訂並各執一份的,應當由各方就所執的一份各自全額貼花。
    第九條 已貼花的憑證,修改後所載金額增加的,其增加部分應當補貼印花稅票。
    第十條 印花稅由稅務機關負責徵收管理。
    第十一條 印花稅票由國家稅務局監制。票面金額以人民幣為單位。
    第十二條 發放或者辦理應納稅憑證的單位,負有監督納稅人依法納稅的義務。
    第十三條 納稅人有下列行為之一的,由稅務機關根據情節輕重,予以處罰:
    第十四條 印花稅的徵收管理,除本條例規定者外,依照《中華人民共和國稅收徵收管理暫行條例》的有關規定執行。
    第十五條 本條例由財政部負責解釋;施行細則由財政部制定。
    第十六條 本條例自1988年10月1日起施行。

❼ 購銷合同的印花稅計算的法律依據,稅率又是多少


❽ 中華人民共和國印花稅暫行條例施行細則英文版

Article 1

All units and indivials who execute or receive documents in the categories specified in these Regulations within the People`s Republic of China shall be taxpayers subject to stamp tax (hereinafter referred to as `taxpayers`) and shall pay stamp tax in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations.

Article 2

The following categories of documents shall be regarded as taxable documents:
(1) contracts or documents in the nature of a contract with regard to: purchases and sales, the undertaking of processing, contracting for construction projects, property leasing, commodity transport, warehousing loans, property insurance, technology contracts;
(2) documents transferring property rights;
(3) business account books;
(4) certificates evidencing right or licenses; and
(5) other documents which the Ministry of Finance determines to be taxable.

Article 3

According to the nature of the taxable document, taxpayers shall calculate the amount of tax e on the basis of a percentage tax rate or a fixed amount per document. Determination of the specific tax rate or amount of tax shall be made with reference to the Schele of Tax Items and Tax Rates accompanying these Regulations.
No stamp tax shall be e where the amount of tax payable does not exceed one jiao. Where the amount of tax payable is one jiao or more, an odd amount not exceeding five fen shall not be counted; where the odd amount is five fen or more, the tax shall be calculated to the nearest jiao.

Article 4

The following documents shall be exempt from stamp tax:
(1) plicates or copies of documents on which stamp tax has already been paid;
(2) documents executed when property is donated to the government, social welfare units or schools;
(3) other documents approved by the Ministry of Finance for exemption from stamp tax.

Article 5

Measures for the payment of stamp tax shall be implemented whereby taxpayers shall, in accordance with the provisions, compute the amount of tax e and purchase and affix at one time the full corresponding amount of tax stamps (hereinafter referred to as `stamping`).
In order to simplify the stamping proceres where the amount of tax is relatively large or where frequent stamping is necessary, taxpayers may apply to the tax authorities to use a tax payment account instead of stamping, or a periodic payment method.

Article 6

Tax stamps shall be affixed to taxable documents; taxpayers shall cancel each stamp along its border with a seal or a drawn line. Tax stamps that have already been affixed may not be reused.

Article 7

Tax stamps shall be affixed to taxable documents at the time of execution or upon receipt.

Article 8

Where the same document is executed by two or more parties and each party is issued a , each party shall be responsible for affixing on its own the full amount of tax stamps e.

Article 9

Where a document on which tax stamps have already been affixed is amended, resulting in an increase in the value thereof, additional tax stamps shall be affixed on the document in accordance with the amount of such increase.

Article 10

The tax authorities shall be responsible for the administration of the collection of stamp tax.

Article 11

The State Administration of Taxation shall supervise the printing of the tax stamps. The face value of tax stamps shall be denominated in Renminbi.

Article 12

Units issuing or processing taxable documents shall be responsible for the supervision of taxpayers in respect of the payment of stamp tax in accordance with the law.

Article 13

Where taxpayers are found to have engaged in any of the following. The tax authorities shall impose penalties according to the seriousness of the case:
(1) In the case of a failure to affix tax stamps, or of failure to affix a sufficient amount of tax stamps, on taxable documents the tax authorities, in addition to ordering taxpayers to affix the correct amount of tax stamps, may impose a fine of twenty times or less the amount of tax payable.
(2) In the case of a violation of the provisions of Paragraph 1 of Article 6 of these Regulations, the tax authorities may impose a fine often times or less the amount of the tax stamps that were not cancelled by a seal or by a drawn line.
(3) In the case of a violation of the provisions of Paragraph 2 of Article 6 of these Regulations, the tax authorities may impose a fine of thirty times or less the amount of tax stamps that have been reused.
In a case where tax stamps have been forged, the tax authorities shall submit the matter to the judicial authorities for investigation into criminal liability in accordance with the law.

Article 14

In addition to being administered in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations, the collection of stamp tax shall be administered in accordance with the relevant provisions of the `Provisional Regulations of the People`s Republic of China for Tax Administration.`

Article 15

The Ministry of Finance shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Regulations; the Ministry of Finance shall also formulate detailed rules for the implementation of these Regulations.

Article 16

These Regulations shall become effective as of 1 October 1988.

Tax Category Scope Tax rate Taxpayer


1. purchase and supplier contracts; 0.03% of the parties
sale contracts; advanced sales; value of the to the
institutional purchase or contract
purchases; sale
combined purchase
and cooperative
compensation trade;
barter and
similar contracts
2. processing processing; 0.05% of parties
contracts special orders; processing fee to the
repair and or contracted contract
renovation; receipts
and similar
3. survey and survey and design 0.05% of parties
design contracts receipts to the
contracts for contract
4. construction, construction, 0.03% of parties
installation installation and contracted to the
and engineering engineering amount contracts
contracts contracts
5. property leasing of buildings, 0.1% of parties
leasing ocean vessels, motor lease amount; to the
contracts vehicles, aircraft, amounts less contract
machinery, appliances than 1 yuan
and other such to be stamped
equipment as 1 yuan
6. commodity civil aviation; 0.05% of parties
shipping railways; transport to the
contract seatransport; fees contract
inland waterways;
overland and
through transport
(Where the documents are used as contracts, tax stamps shall be affixed
to the documents as in the case of contracts.)
7. warehousing warehousing 0.01% of parties
contracts and storage warehousing to the
and storage contract
8. loan banks; including 0.005% of parties
contracts other financial loan amount to the
organization and loan
lending agents
(except interbank
loan agreements)
9. property property insurance; 0.003% of parties
insurance bonding, guarantor; amount to the
contracts surety and credit insured contract
undertakings and
similar insurance
(Where the documents are used as contracts, tax stamps shall be affixed
to the documents as in the case of contracts.)
10. technology technology 0.03% of parties
contracts development indicated to the
and transfer; amount contract
service and
similar contracts
11. property property 0.05% of parties
transfer ownership indicated executing
documents transfers; amount the
rights; documents
licensing and
similar transfer
12. business account books for 0.05% of business
accounting proction and recorded accounting
documents business operations capital entities
total original
capital and
5 yuan for other
accounting or
13. permits and government issued 5 yuan party
licenses building permits; receiving
instrial, permit or
commercial and license
business licenses;
trademark and patent
certificates; land
use permits

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