About the thinking of adjusted stock trading stamp ty
[summary]: As we know everything have the relationship with others,if you study accounting, you will be involved many problem in economic area. Recently ,there bull market in the stock exchange market. in the early half year, the index of SHANG ZHENG(上证)over 4000 and 5000 pionts, it is increased rapidly. But in my opinion, if anyone suffered "5.30大跳水”(这个不懂翻,是股市狂跌的意思吗?),still got horrible memories about it. and the causation of this is increasing the stamp ty. I was thinking about why such a little stamp ty will have a big impact? Although there are some discussions in the <tax law>, I still have to question, any secret behinded the adjustment of stamp ty? what is the purpose that the nation adjusted the stamp ty? is it a suitable methed and any blemish or problem on it? is that everything real tally with our country's existing nomocracy policy? We still looking for the solutions.
[key words]: stock exchange stamp ty, increase of stamp ty (rates), tax law, administrative policy, suggestion/advice
② 笔译翻译合同需要缴纳印花税吗
③ 求各税种的英文简写,包括增值税、消费税、营业税、城建税、土地增值税等等。
Business tax 营业税
Enterprise income tax 企业所得税
Value added tax (VAT) 增值税
Stamp tax 印花税
Tax for maintaining and building cities 城市维护建设税
construction tax 城建税
(local) ecation supplementary tax 教育费附加,地方教育费附加
profit tax 利得税
Consumption tax 消费税
Resources tax 资源税
Increment tax on land value 土地增值税
④ 印花税韩文,印花税韩语翻译,印花税韩文怎么说,韩文
韩国“印花税”叫作: 인 지 세 (印纸税)
는 각종 문서와 신문, 달력, 학위 증서 등 인지를 사서 붙이도록 한 세금이다.
⑤ 跪求英语高手,关于“印花税法案”的翻译
In 1765 the British Parliament passed a bill to tax the colonies of a variety of printed materials, e to pay the tax certificate is a stamp, so this bill has been referred to as "Stamp Act."
In the United Kingdom already has begun to collect a similar tax, Franklin has made this proposal a few years ago. However, in 1765 the political atmosphere has changed. "Stamp Act" in the United States had caused a riot on the streets, people have made fierce opposition speech, denounced the autocratic behavior. At that time, Franklin's son William has served as governor of New Jersey, so a lot of people think that Franklin is "Stamp Act" is one of the culprits.
When Franklin understand that "Stamp Act" would affect the relationship between Britain, the firm put forward the need to repeal this bill. February 13, 1766, Franklin came to the House of Representatives discusses repealing "Stamp Act" reasons. After a few weeks, "Stamp Act" was repealed, the Americans to Franklin as a hero.
⑥ “增值税、增值税附加、营业税 、营业税附加、印花税、房产税、土地税”的英文怎么说
增值税:Value added tax, 增值税附加:value-added tax, 营业税: business tax, 营业税附加:added additional business tax, 印花税: stamp tax, 房产税: property tax, 土地税:land tax 。
⑦ 增值税、增值税附加、营业税 、营业税附加、印花税、房产税、土地税的英文怎么说
增值税的英文:Value added tax, 增值税附加:value-added tax, 营业税: business tax, 营业税附加:businesstax and additional
印花税:stamp tax, 房产税:building tax, 土地税:land tax
tax 读法 英[tæks]美[tæks]
1、n. 税金;重负
2、v. 向……课税;使……负重担;缴纳车辆牌照税;批评;审定诉讼费
1、tax collection征税;税捐稽征
2、export tax出口税
3、tax reform税制改革
4、tax evasion漏税,逃税
5、tax burden课税负担
tax, assess, impose这组词都有“征税”的意思,其区别是:
⑧ 请问普通翻译合同需要缴纳印花税吗